Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Babies all over the place!!

Two of my friends have beautiful baby girls in the last week. There is nothing like holding a precious newborn baby in your arms and realizing how fragile and detailed life is. I am constantly amazed at the wonder that is new life. How can a little person really grow inside of another person and come out so perfectly? How can anyone who has ever had a child, held a child or seen a child not believe in God?

As I held new baby Chloe I literally had to hold back tears at how precious she was. Though not my child, I felt such an instant love for her. Knowing that I am going to see her grow up, see her walk, see her go through school....hopefully one day see her get married and maybe have babies of her own.

As I have written before, I am not quite ready to have my own baby yet, but as I watch Derek lovingly hold Chloe I couldn't help but feel so blessed to know that when we DO have kids, they'll be in such wonderful and capable hands. Derek is going to be such an amazing father and I thank God every day that I have been blessed with him in my life. There is no one I would rather have my children with, or raise my children with.

Little baby Brantingham was born early this morning after a stubborn attempt to stay in the womb. She looks so perfect in every way, although I haven't seen her in person. Little precious B does not have a name yet, but I am anxiously awaiting her name...Hannah has such a gift for names...her other children are named Zion, Elijah and Serenity...hard to top those,but I know she will rise to the occasion! Little baby B little JUST like her big sister Serenity...cute little nose and tons of curly hair!! are a few pictures of the new baby girls...enjoy God's creative hand

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