Monday, March 7, 2011

What do you want to do today?

Today I am sitting at my desk, on hold for the 32nd minute with AT&T and I am slightly frustrated so I thought, now is as good a time as any to blog! If they finally decide to put down their lunch and answer my call, I can always halt my blogging tirade and finish up my call, then get back to it...

Anyway...before I decided to actually make a blog entry I went back and read some of my old posts...most of them actually. As usual, I kicked myself for how far and few between my entries are. I freaking LOVE blogging...why do I let days go by between posts? I don't know. I wish I did. Sure, some days I am busy and frantic with life, but some days I am not. Every single one of those days I should have an entry up here.

Life is pretty good right now. I am loving married life, owning my own home, having a puppy, being gainfully employed...and exploring the options that this big world has laid out before me. Although I am fairly content with life, I want to live it to the fullest and not regret what I never did.

There are so many activities and experiences to have that if you never do them, you'll never care, but if you pursue them and succeed (or even if you fail), you'll never understand how you lived without them. I want to know the difference...

What do you want to do today?

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