Thursday, July 8, 2010

What a Difference!!

After a major disappointing experience with our chosen first Realtor, we met today with a new Realtor, recommended to us (and USED by) some close friends of ours. We knew that they had been pleased with her, so we are hoping for the same experience. So we had our first meeting with her today where we went through EVERYTHING....I mean everything.

I suppose in Derek's world it might have been called the "Discovery" phase....She wanted to know everything about our house hunting experience, what we are looking for, our current situation, our expectations, and on and on and on...She then told us about what she'll be doing, what we can expect from her, from different kinds of sales, time frames etc....WOW

This is where I mention that we didn't do ANY of this with our prior Realtor...we never sat down and discussed any personal anything. We had one sit down meeting about houses in the area and what their status was (active, short sale, pending etc)

The differences were glaring...seriously. I left there feeling so good about where we go from here. Now I feel like we are in the hands of someone who knows what they are doing, someone who cares what WE want, who wants to stay in contact with us and who will do everything in her power to get us into the house we want. Quite a concept isn't it??

We parted ways with her promising to have like 10 different things done for us before midnight...haha I think Derek scared her with his description of how annoyed he was with the other guy...just kidding. Maybe she is just doing her job. I guess I just don't know what that looks like!! Stayed tuned for more adventures in house hunting!

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