As with most years I have managed to string out my birthday celebrations for at least a I think everyone should try to do. It is a must, really...

They messed up almost every one's food, but we rolled with the punches. Things got a little interesting towards the end because the much anticipated call came from the Banea's announcing that baby Baneas was about to head into the world and Big JoD needed to head on over to take care of the youngin's.
Saturday morning, my actual birthday, I had the traditional Zapara family birthday breakfast.
We make this amazing breakfast pastry called "Bubble Wreath" that consists on Bisquick biscuit mix rolled into little balls, dipped in butter, rolled in cinnamon sugar and layered than baked in a bunt cake pan...My mom typically makes them, but because I insisted on leftovers, I made one as well so that we would have two (plus I got a pan for our wedding that I wanted to break in ;)
Saturday morning, my actual birthday, I had the traditional Zapara family birthday breakfast.

We set up a little buffet table with the Bubble Wreath, my dad's famous breakfast potatoes, Kendra's egg dish and fresh fruit...I think I am still full!! After we ate and visited the forced me to open my presents...Derek had already presented me with the most wonderful and thoughtful gift of the day; a basketful full, and I do mean FULL of books that he hand selected. There must have been 20 books. He knows I love to read and that I have been remiss not to have any books at our house. He scoured a few new and used book stores and pulled together a fabulous collection that should keep me busy for at least a month or two!! ( I am currently half way through The Boston Strangler...don't judge me)
My mom gave me exactly what I asked for: My body spray from Victoria's Secret, lotion and she included a gift card...NICE. She also gave me books, which is a love that her and I share. We typically pass books back and forth. In fact, I picked out a few of the books from the pile Derek gave me that i thought she might enjoy and brought them over for her to borrow. Then I open a bag with shot gun shells in it...
At first thought it seemed reasonable because Derek has a gun and we always need shells...then...
At first thought it seemed reasonable because Derek has a gun and we always need shells...then...

Turns out my dad decided to give me his old .12 gauge pump action! The Jr. Zapara family blessed me with a gift card to Sports Authority which will work perfectly for a gun case! My mother wanted this picture taken because she thinks I have two sides to my personality, or perhaps I am just incredibly WELL ROUNDED!

After breakfast Derek took me golfing, which I haven't had the opportunity to do in forever! My dad and brother came along and we went to Land Park. It was a hot day, but beautiful and we had a really nice time. Next, Derek and I cleaned up and he took me downtown to a place neither one of us had ever been to, Aioli. Wow, the Sangria and Tapas were AMAZING!!

After dinner we headed over to Hamburger Patty's to visit our friend Rene and have dessert. We made quick work of a brownie sundae. When were were at dinner, we noticed that there were a lot of people walking around dressed like Zombies....that is pretty weird, even for downtown! It was 2nd Saturday, so Downtown Sacramento was packed, but ZOMBIES? So as we are hanging out at Patty's all of the sudden a mass processional of Zombies marches up J street...there must have been 200 of them...what...the...hell? No offense to people who like drama (I took it in 7th grade) but seriously, these were all the drama kids that were outcasts in high-school...really really weird...

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