Yesterday, there was an article in the Sacramento Bee about a girl who took a cooking class with her husband as one of the many items that she can now cross off of her "Pre-baby-bucket list". The article linked to her blog and I found myself reading page after page of this woman's thoughts...
It was funny because I could tell just by reading her writing, that we would be great friends...sure we have a lot of surface life common:
She is in her 20's
She is in the PR industry
She is married
She obviously likes to write
She doesn't have any kids
But I could tell through her writings, but even more through her description of herself, that we would have been friends in high-school, sat next to each other in our public relations courses in college and then we would probably have coffee every two weeks or so. I don't know if our friendship would go deeper because our husbands would need to be compatible...
I say all that because I think that writing gives a small path into the mind, the heart...the inner most thoughts. I have shared some pretty deep things thus far:
You know anyone can read this, anyone in the world...I have chosen to open myself up for criticism (I say: bring it...and you have) Sometimes I might not be funny, I might not be interesting I might be completely boring or irrelevant...or I might not be. Have you ever read something that had nothing to do with you that sent shivers down your spine?
That is the kind of passionate writing that I someday want to be inspired to write. If only because I am writing from my heart to your heart...maybe someday they will meet here, in my thoughts.

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