There is nothing that will clear the work-day fog from my brain quicker then having lunch with friends. Although sometimes expensive, meeting friends for lunch is one of my all-time favorite week-day things to do.
If I know that I have a lunch date planned with a friend(s) it starts my whole day off brighter and more positive. I come to work happier, I am more productive and I come back from lunch in a better mood than I typically do in the afternoons on a normal day.
There is also something to be said from an impromptu lunch date. What a terrific surprise to get a call or an email from a friend asking to have lunch together! "What are you doing for lunch?" "Nothing. You?" "Nothing...wanna meet in 30 at La Bou?" Ah...sheer bliss!
Perhaps in order to curb some of the cost, I should start have lunch picnics with friends...we both bring our lunch to work as we normally would and then find a neutral spot to meet and dine on our bag lunches...
The joy is in the company and the conversation, not the purchase of the food! Ok, I take that back...I think anyone who knows me knows how much I love food...
Anyway, the point is I want to have lunch with friends more often (but not break the bank) and keep the joy and productivity at an all time high in my life! Lets do lunch sometime...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Settling In
Wow, it has been a long time since I have posted! Then again, things have been a little busy for me. I mean, we finally closed escrow on our house, moved into our house, bought a puppy, had Thanksgiving, Derek was in trial and it goes on and on and on...I think things are finally settling down now.

Moving into our own house has been such a surreal experience. I remember back, just 7ish short months ago when Derek and I got married and moved in together. Sending him off to work was as surreal experience. Now, waking up inside our very own house, with a bubbly puppy and sending him off to work is a surreal experience. It is amazing how life just creeps up on you and all of the sudden you are living it to the fullest and you don't even know how you got there!
So which of these changes has been the hardest? Hands down: Miss Cali Posey Haynes.

Which one of these changes has given us the most joy? Hands down: Miss Cali Posey Haynes...she is the best. She is so fun, so active, so full of love and joy....she brightens my day every single time I see her. She loves completely, unconditionally and is full of forgiveness! Don't get me wrong, she is a hand full. We have had our moments filled with frustration and anger, but as with every new family addition, they are worth it!
Our house is amazing. Although we have had our struggles with it (invasion of the ants, power outlets that don't work, gaps in the fence etc) this house is more than I could have EVER in my own kitchen, inviting my friends over and hosting in my own living is enough to make a girl giddy. I don't get giddy very often.
Husband+House+Happy Puppy=Happy & Content Janna
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