Ok, enough of the mellow drama, but seriously....
House Hunting Night #1 June 29, 2010: we looked at 3 houses
House #1 was the house that we thought was going to be IT! In the perfect neighborhood, had a good bedroom/bathroom count, good square footage, good price, a serviceable backyard, the pictures of the kitchen looked good...

Reality: With the exception of the kitchen, the common spaces were TINY and all separated by walls and/or the staircase. You walk into the formal living room...did I mention it was tiny? Not even large enough for a regular couch (notice extra small couches in picture?).
THEN we drive to house #2...cue drum roll....
This place was amazing...perfect and I do mean PERFECT layout...really nicely landscaped yard that we could change if we want or keep some features, great kitchen, nice built-in wood cabinets in several of the rooms, 3 car garage (but separate...a two car garage and then a single garage...have you seen those?)

House Hunting Night #1 June 29, 2010: we looked at 3 houses
House #1 was the house that we thought was going to be IT! In the perfect neighborhood, had a good bedroom/bathroom count, good square footage, good price, a serviceable backyard, the pictures of the kitchen looked good...
Reality: With the exception of the kitchen, the common spaces were TINY and all separated by walls and/or the staircase. You walk into the formal living room...did I mention it was tiny? Not even large enough for a regular couch (notice extra small couches in picture?).
Then you hit the staircase...you barley squeeze by that in the hallway before you walk into the formal dining room...again, t-i-n-y and completely boxed in by walls. Go past THAT wall and you walk into the family room/kitchen area.
To be fair, at least they were connected, as previously stated, is on my wish list... (This picture was taken FROM the kitchen looking into the family room, again with the tiny tiny couches...)
HOWEVER, the actual space dedicated to the family room was really small. The kitchen was the only redeeming feature of the downstairs....good layout, nice size, nice look....
The backyard would need serious work, but that would be ok...
Upstairs was a different story, nice sized Master-bedroom, GREAT Master bathroom layout...We were slightly peeved that the other two bedrooms were LOCKED...ten to one odds the owners were locked inside and slightly upset we were there since their house is on a short-sale....can you blame them?
Overall rating? 6 out of 10
HOWEVER, the actual space dedicated to the family room was really small. The kitchen was the only redeeming feature of the downstairs....good layout, nice size, nice look....
The backyard would need serious work, but that would be ok...
Upstairs was a different story, nice sized Master-bedroom, GREAT Master bathroom layout...We were slightly peeved that the other two bedrooms were LOCKED...ten to one odds the owners were locked inside and slightly upset we were there since their house is on a short-sale....can you blame them?
Overall rating? 6 out of 10
This place was amazing...perfect and I do mean PERFECT layout...really nicely landscaped yard that we could change if we want or keep some features, great kitchen, nice built-in wood cabinets in several of the rooms, 3 car garage (but separate...a two car garage and then a single garage...have you seen those?)
Great kitchen/Family room combo, which of course is SO important to me...Kitchen had nice granite counter tops, lots of cabinet space and a place for a kitchen table. When you first walk in the door, you walk into this HUGE great room that is a living room/dining room combo...absolutely huge...such a great entertaining house.
Only 3 bedrooms/3 bathrooms BUT BUT BUT it had a den, WHICH is serviceable as an office, which is what the 4Th bedroom would be for anyway....
So whats the problem? Hmmmm....this house was a bit pricier that we originally were thinking of paying. Still within our budget, for sure, but who wants to spend more money than they HAVE to?
Then again...who wants to settle for a house that isn't perfect?
Would we need to make any changes? I think we would want to throw some hard wood flooring in a few places, do a little work in the backyard and it would need a good dose of color on the walls...it is STARK white/cream through the house....I mean EVERYWHERE...I need some color in my life!
This house gets a 9 out of 10 and only because of the price...
House #3 isn't even worth blogging about. No one should have a Fish pond on the side of their drive way in West Sacramento....I mean seriously....
If you care, stay tuned for more "Adventures in House Hunting"
Only 3 bedrooms/3 bathrooms BUT BUT BUT it had a den, WHICH is serviceable as an office, which is what the 4Th bedroom would be for anyway....
So whats the problem? Hmmmm....this house was a bit pricier that we originally were thinking of paying. Still within our budget, for sure, but who wants to spend more money than they HAVE to?
Would we need to make any changes? I think we would want to throw some hard wood flooring in a few places, do a little work in the backyard and it would need a good dose of color on the walls...it is STARK white/cream through the house....I mean EVERYWHERE...I need some color in my life!
This house gets a 9 out of 10 and only because of the price...
House #3 isn't even worth blogging about. No one should have a Fish pond on the side of their drive way in West Sacramento....I mean seriously....
If you care, stay tuned for more "Adventures in House Hunting"